Eight Steps for Every CFO to Apply in Recession - Prioritisation - Make a prioritised list of the trade-offs in your budget with a reason for why. Cloud - Accelerate movement to the cloud, while paying attention to shifting pricing strategies from software providers as prices rise. Business Process - Radically challenge workflows and processes to make them faster, simpler, and more agile for the long-term. Leverage and Cost Arbitrage - Fundamentally rethink the way your company leverages humans (locations, hours, part vs full time, in-house vs outsource). Digital Talent - Clarify your Employee Value Proposition (EVP) so you are positioned to attract and retain the right digital talent. Aggressively source key digital talent that will shake loose and help accelerate your digital plan Digital Investment Roadmap - Develop a future vision of the customer and employee to accelerate the right digital investments for 2025. Automation - Invest in predictive and autonomous digital...