Every day we read/hear about the new web 2.0 applications that start up with interesting concepts used. The recent acquisition of YouTube by Google has raised hope for new startups to realize their dream of making it big time. Aussies are not behind in this trend. There are quite a few interesting applications that have come out of hibernation.
To-do list - Remember the Milk
It allows users to manage tasks online as any to-do list will do. It is integrated with Google Maps, and Skype (IM) and is available on Mobiles as well. This is a very popular application around the globe with more than 100,000 users from 155 countries. It was launched in October 2005.
Digg clone for funniest email - FWDitOn
This is inspired by digg. It allows users to read hilarious emails, do a rating and share it with others. It is an interesting concept and has caught the attention of a few Venture Capitalists from overseas. This site was covered recently on TechCrunch.
Community for parents - Minti
Minti provides an online platform for dads & moms to share and rank their advice about parenthood in a simple way and with lots of fun. It was launched in March this year after raising USD$1.2M.
Connecting students in Australia - Student face
It is a social networking service inspired by Facebook, Orkut, which allows students to share information, swap pictures, videos and more. It helps in uniting students with similar interests from all over the country. Membership in StudentFace is exclusive to students who are enrolled in an Australian university and have a valid university (.au or .edu) email address. The site was launched this year.

Marketing for bloggers using emails - Zookda
Zookoda is a blog broadcasting service provider. It allows bloggers to spread the word about their blogs by sending blog summaries via email. Zookoda provides blog owners with the tools to manage their mailing lists, design their emails, broadcast blog summaries and track recipient usage. It was launched this year in March and is now up for sale.
The Universal Web Storage Platform - Omnidrive
This is a full-scale web storage platform that can be accessed from a web browser, Windows or Mac desktop and even a mobile device. It allows users and developers to easily access and share content and files on the web. This was started by Nik Cubrilovic and launched at the beginning of this year. It was covered by TechCrunch and recently got coverage in nine msn's The Bulletin magazine.
Blog search engine - Gnoos
It is a blog search engine that is inspired by Technorati. Its main focus is on local bloggers. It was launched in May 2006.

Social networking service - Babbello
It is a social networking service inspired by Myspace. It allows people (popular with teens) to write blogs, chat, download ringtones for mobile, swap photos and more.
Connecting buyers and sellers - findit.com.au
It's a portal inspired by Craiglist. It provides a free forum for all community advertisements and listings.
Property Search - Spyk
This allows you to search all residential properties for sale or rent across Australia. It is a project designed and developed by Tim Kremer.
Other notable ones in dealing with real estate are :
Update: I have found two more notable sites.
News rating- Sukk
It's a Digg clone for a rating of news from Australia and New Zealand. The site was launched on September 5th, 2006.
News rating- PerthNorg
It's a Digg clone for a rating of news from Australia. It is more comprehensive and allows news to be published and rated separately in different categories like technology, sports, lifestyle, business and others. Interestingly in addition to voting, it increases the rating if someone posts a comment on a news/story/article.
Note: I can't think of covering all the Web 2.0 applications in Australia if I have missed any applications. I would like all of you to share information on other Web 2.0 applications in Australia. Please do leave a comment.
Disclaimer: Views expressed here are my personal. I am not a paid employee of any business/organisation covered in this article. I work for a software development and integration company, in Melbourne, Australia.

It allows users to manage tasks online as any to-do list will do. It is integrated with Google Maps, and Skype (IM) and is available on Mobiles as well. This is a very popular application around the globe with more than 100,000 users from 155 countries. It was launched in October 2005.

This is inspired by digg. It allows users to read hilarious emails, do a rating and share it with others. It is an interesting concept and has caught the attention of a few Venture Capitalists from overseas. This site was covered recently on TechCrunch.

Minti provides an online platform for dads & moms to share and rank their advice about parenthood in a simple way and with lots of fun. It was launched in March this year after raising USD$1.2M.

It is a social networking service inspired by Facebook, Orkut, which allows students to share information, swap pictures, videos and more. It helps in uniting students with similar interests from all over the country. Membership in StudentFace is exclusive to students who are enrolled in an Australian university and have a valid university (.au or .edu) email address. The site was launched this year.

Marketing for bloggers using emails - Zookda
Zookoda is a blog broadcasting service provider. It allows bloggers to spread the word about their blogs by sending blog summaries via email. Zookoda provides blog owners with the tools to manage their mailing lists, design their emails, broadcast blog summaries and track recipient usage. It was launched this year in March and is now up for sale.

This is a full-scale web storage platform that can be accessed from a web browser, Windows or Mac desktop and even a mobile device. It allows users and developers to easily access and share content and files on the web. This was started by Nik Cubrilovic and launched at the beginning of this year. It was covered by TechCrunch and recently got coverage in nine msn's The Bulletin magazine.

It is a blog search engine that is inspired by Technorati. Its main focus is on local bloggers. It was launched in May 2006.

Social networking service - Babbello
It is a social networking service inspired by Myspace. It allows people (popular with teens) to write blogs, chat, download ringtones for mobile, swap photos and more.

It's a portal inspired by Craiglist. It provides a free forum for all community advertisements and listings.

This allows you to search all residential properties for sale or rent across Australia. It is a project designed and developed by Tim Kremer.
Other notable ones in dealing with real estate are :
Update: I have found two more notable sites.

It's a Digg clone for a rating of news from Australia and New Zealand. The site was launched on September 5th, 2006.

It's a Digg clone for a rating of news from Australia. It is more comprehensive and allows news to be published and rated separately in different categories like technology, sports, lifestyle, business and others. Interestingly in addition to voting, it increases the rating if someone posts a comment on a news/story/article.
Note: I can't think of covering all the Web 2.0 applications in Australia if I have missed any applications. I would like all of you to share information on other Web 2.0 applications in Australia. Please do leave a comment.
Disclaimer: Views expressed here are my personal. I am not a paid employee of any business/organisation covered in this article. I work for a software development and integration company, in Melbourne, Australia.