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IT and Digital Sales Business Case Drivers - Single Page View

IT Sales Business Case Drivers - Single Page View


The nature of the IT Industry has evolved in a post-digital era. Today, IT is primarily divided into 2 domains, that is Traditional (inc. legacy) and Digital. 

Traditional technology and domain are about cost management, risk mitigation and functional fulfilment, whereas Digital is about revenue protection and generation (demand generation), taking risks and creating new seamless experiences. 
With this segmentation of IT and its business function in play, the positioning of Sales Business Cases and Calibrating triggers has changed in the Digital Era. 

Key factors to influence are highlighted below: 
  • Growth Enabler 
    • IT is Linear 
    • Digital is Exponential 
  • Complexity Resolution 
    •  IT is about Predictability 
    •  Digital is through Resilience, Adaptability, Scale 
  • Competition 
    • IT - against the Companies 
    • Digital - against the Companies and their Ecosystem 
  • Spending 
    • IT - CIO driven 
    •  Digital - CXO, BU Head and CDO driven 
  • Economics 
    • IT - Increase in Marginal Cost leads to Increase in Marginal Revenue 
    • Digital - minimal increase in Marginal Cost leads to higher Marginal Revenue (true network effects and platform economy to be in play) 
  • Pricing 
    • IT (Commodity) - Price is the key driver, as long as the Risk of doing business is minimal and Functionality is fulfilled 
    • Digital (Premium) - Price is not the key, it is Agility, Scale, Resiliency and CX. 
    • Saying “No” to price discounts or relief and being pressurised for work is key to maintaining premium positioning. 
  • Insights 
    • IT - know their problems and look for bargains, operational insights are valuable.
    • Digital - needs Commercial Insights, not Thought Leadership (it's a commodity now).
  • Roadmap Know How 
    • IT - IT Strategy is driven via Business Strategy. 
    • Digital - Corporate Strategy spectrum and then Business Strategy. 
  • Commercial Engagement 
    • IT - MSA or BSA driven 
    • Digital - 30 to 40% reduction on MSA or a skeleton of MSA being leveraged, in some cases non-existent
first published on Linkedin 
Source: Gartner
