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Sellers from Mars and Buyers from Venus - X

Excerpt from my upcoming book at - "Sellers from Mars and Buyers from Venus - Elements of Nature Meet B2B Sales" 

How to apply the five elements framework for Product vs Service Centric Sales.


Next: Coming up

  • How to apply elements for identifying Narendra Modi's Persona, Prime Minister of India
Previous articles can be read here.
  • Part 9 on How to apply elements framework on how a Procurement Executive will engage can be read here 
  • Part 8 on How to apply elements framework for Sales Planning and Execution can be read here.
  • Part 7 on How to apply elements framework for identifying Steve Jobs Persona can be read here 
  • Part 6 on How to apply elements framework on a Legal Service Counsel can be read here.
  • Part 5 on How a Marketing Manager will engage can be read here
  • Part 4 on How a Sponsoring Executive will engage can be read here
  • Part 3 on Negotiation Styles in B2B Sales can be read here 
  • Part 2 on Persona Mapping in B2B Sales can be read here 
  • Part 1 on Marrying Elements of Nature with B2B Sales can be read here  
